No drama here. Much. I've been without internet at home for most of the week. Twelve hours after it was restored, I lost it again and it took the home telephone line along with it. *
I was planning on writing something tonight, but Annika just threw up shortly after I fixed the title on the last post**. And Frankie is crying because she doesn't get to stay home, and it's not fair because Annika throws up all the time, and you say it's not awesome to stay at home because you're throwing up, but it really is and everybody knows it.
* The Internet Dude (as Annika called him) was very kind and completely adorable in an I Can Fix That Problem, Ma'am kind of way. If that is not the best sign yet that I need to be in therapy, I don't know what is.
** Hat tip to Greg for pointing out that my naming convention made absolutely no sense. It's good to have friends who can notice these kinds of things.
There simply won't be enough therapists for every gal who ever found a helpful guy adorable...
@Frankie: it is not awesome to throw up all the time. But isn't there only one day of school left before break anyway? ;)
Posted by: taly | December 15, 2011 at 10:01 PM
Sending hugs all around.
Posted by: Liz | December 16, 2011 at 08:41 AM
Taly: good point. Alas, there are 3 days of school left before break. They aren't off until Wednesday of next week.
Liz: thank you.
Posted by: Moreena | December 16, 2011 at 09:17 AM
I'm with you on how adorable a kind and helpful guy can be. I have had three in-depth conversations with Jason from Nova Scotia in order to get set up with a new cell phone service. Let's just say that I didn't mind that it took three calls.
Hopefully Annika will feel better soon ~
Posted by: Sharon | December 16, 2011 at 11:39 AM
hugs, too. and hoping annika is feeling better and past the barf.
poor frankie. it is kind of funny [in that sibling way] that she thinks barfing is an advantage.
if/when the fix-it guy shows up, it is pure adorable heaven in the sense that Something That Stopped Working will finally be OK again.
it took the phone guy 2 days past the 12-hour period of arrival to show up, but he declared that we actually did have a problem, climbed the phone pole, and fixed it. (if it had been our problem, we were warned that we would be charged.)
and when my daughter's new apartment had a major gas leak, which the landlady "couldn't smell" since the windows were open? mr. gas company guy discovered the furnace was leaking like crazy, and he turned it off, and the landlady was forced to fix it. alas, the cable guy at daughter's apartment couldn't find a line to the street, and so a lineman had to come out and the cable installer didn't get paid. all were nice guys.
Posted by: kathy a. | December 16, 2011 at 12:49 PM
I really don't understand how in the world he could do this to your family. Sorry doesn't even cut it.
Take care,Deb
Posted by: Deb | December 18, 2011 at 02:16 PM
The helpful man is the hot man. And if men knew this it would be a much better world.
Posted by: Jessica | December 20, 2011 at 05:45 PM