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October 09, 2008



Still following along with you out on the West Coast. Thinking of all of you.


Yay for hand gell hair washing! Still with you, still praying for all of you. I added the donor family to the list--there's plenty of prayers to go around. :)


Here and listening - just commenting to send more of the best wishes I have.


I don't think at moments like these that Annika will be analyzing the words to that song too closely. It is the comfort of the familiar, and I am sure she did feel comforted as you sang it to her. I hope that it helped you to sing, too.

Keep on; 11 hours has gone that you don't have to live through again....

I'm not sure if you find my comments helpful - I just thought it might occupy a nanosecond of your time in reading them, and then again there's the "people are actually taking notice" thing that I hope might help a bit....


I feel as though I'm keeping a vigil with you. It's heading towards 8pm here (Australia) and I'm pretty sure I'll be checking back throughout the evening/morning.

Stay strong.


Mid-evening on the other side of the Pacific and following along on your longest night.

My little guy's birthday was yesterday so a big shout-out to Frankie too!


It's Thursday mid morning here - all your posts came in while I was away from the computer/asleep last night so now I am going to light a candle for Annika and for all of you.

keri (auburn gal always)

Still with you here in Alabama. I blogged about the events before going to bed for the few hours of rest I did get. I am certain that my 8 followers are praying also.

And what I would have given to know about the hand gel as a styling aid last year when my mom had spinal surgery!! Oh well. Its stored way in the coconut now for my next hospital vigil.

Time to click refresh again.

Phantom Scribbler

Thinking of you all here, too.


Still here in the mile high city.its 4:am, and time for the dreaded lactulose. still prayin/
. Love Bobby and Sharon

Rev Dr Mom

Still praying and holding you in the light.



I'm dozing in and out with the laptop at my side. Still holding you guys close at heart. Much love-


( )


checked in several times overnight. we are all still out here waiting with you. constantly in my thoughts.


You are all in our thoughts.


1pm in Switzerland and we're thinking of you in this time zone too.

Best best best wishes

kathy a.

glad the hand gel trick worked for you! hanging out in waiting rooms, you gotta develop wilderness survival skills, ya know?

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Falling Down, November 2004

  • Balloon in hand, my 4-year-old
    twirled across the kitchen floor,
    singing nonsense words
    in her own key.
    "It's my gift!" she declared
    to the world at large, which
    was really only me,
    sitting at the table. Enough
    twirling, and she lost
    her balance, tumbling
    to the floor in a theatrical
    slapstick of elbows and knees.

    She lay on her back
    for a few seconds,
    at the textured ceiling
    with the mysterious
    spaghetti sauce stain.
    Suddenly she
    flapping her arms and legs
    there on the floor, as if to swish
    the imaginary snow
    into a snow angel.

    "Falling down is also a gift!" says she.

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